Amphetamine Education

man in gray jacket and red knit cap

Amphetamine abuse is all too common.  These are often called “stimulant medications” and a few examples would be Adderall, methylphenidate, Ritalin and Concerta.  These medications are typically prescribed to adolescents and adults diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  Watch this video as we explore the affects of amphetamine abuse and addiction, withdrawal symptoms, and propensity for addiction, and prospects for treatment and recovery.

This educational video on Amphetamines is used with permission by Hopelinks

Where Did Amphetamines originate?

Amphetamine was created in Germany in 1887 in the chemistry lab where multiple researches where developing new drugs. The Amphetamine was not touched or experimented with until 1927 and at that time, it was sold as a decongestant. In the year1935, in Los Angeles, California, it was discovered to have exhilarating, well being, and energizing effects. Amphetamine is used in medicine today for treating disorders like ADHD, narcolepsy, and some types of depression

Different forms of amphetamine have been used to enhance performance for students during test taking, and in militaries around the world during long missions at war times. And as well, some student athletes to stimulate and sustain energy levels.  Different forms of amphetamines have been used recreationally in pop culture since the 1960’s for things like staying up at dances all night.

Amphetamine abuse symptoms

The extreme adverse effects have been noted ever since Amphetamine was used recreationally including: anxiety, depersonalization, irregular heartbeat, hyperventilation, irritability, mental depression, nervousness, quick to react or overreact emotionally, restlessness, rapidly changing moods, shaking, shortness of breath, and trouble sleeping. Because of the major distortion of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, a tolerance is rapidly built in amphetamine abusers which requires a user to use more each time making it harder every time to give up using the drug.

Long term effects of Amphetamine abuse

Long-term abuse can lead to permanent psychotic disorders like paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions. And some can never completely return to normal brain function.

Permanent long-term physical effects are limitless including vital organ disfunction and failure, muscle and bone deterioration, cardio vascular and respiratory problems and many more.

Amphetamine Addicts Can Recover

The first step for the addict to recover is to detox physically and psychologically from the substance. This can take place in a medical or residential setting. This is ideal for a person who wants to live 100% clean and sober.

Some individuals must take some form of prescription medication that will include amphetamines. If this person wishes to maintain complete abstinence, it is suggested that they discuss this with their doctor so that they can become comfortable with the drug that they might need to take to help symptoms such as depression or ADHD.

After complete detoxification, most addicts who choose complete abstinence have better outcomes committing to a residential treatment center for thirty to ninety days. There are also no cost 12-step self help programs such as Narcotics Anonymous

Be sure to visit our entire Drug Education Videos series and learn more about drug abuse, drug addiction and alcoholism


STREET DRUGS: a drug identification guide 2010
National Institute on Drug Abuse:

Medline Plus:

The Vaults of Erowid:

Project Know: